They may be downloaded for personal use only. Please respect the wishes of the photo owners as it is through their generosity that these photos are here for the fans to see.
Guests at the convention were: Craig Parker, Bruce Hopkins and Mark Ferguson.
A little report from the Web Master, Jmsstyxnyes(Janet):
Well, I guess this is my chance to say some thoughts about my first LOTR convention/gathering. I've worked on 'Yes'tival gatherings and attended Xena/Sci-Fi conventions where Michael Hurst was a guest, so I am no 'con virgin'. ;)
I had a great time, though it was tiring. I'm glad I got the chance to meet some of the fans and I appologize for missing others. Your costumes were all terrific. This is the first event I ever got to dress up in cossie. I was an elf at Medieval Times and sat in the Lothlorien Blue Knight box. :)
When I first got to the Gathering, I was invited to attend an informal press conference on behalf of Bruce-Hopkins.com. (It turned out to really be the meeting of the sponsors and the actors, our group were sponsors for Bruce Hopkins.) After all representives in the room asked one question each, we broke into private one on ones with each actor. I spent a lot of time with Bruce talking site business. It was the same with Craig, though we didn't talk about this site, we talked about other things. (Just a note, Craig is no way involved with this site. Bruce owns his Official site and co-maintains it with me.)
The time spent with Bruce was wonderful. So much better to talk 'shop' face to face, rather than, email to email. We are planning some new things for his site, keep checking there frequently to see what they are. Also, I will be making photo updates to both sites from this gathering as I scan the photos and upload them to the proper site.
As for the photos I place on the sites, I do kindly ask that these photos and any from Bruce personally, remain on our sites. Please don't hotlink to any of the photos on either site as it takes our bandwidth. You are most welcome to share the URL links (.html extentions) on other message boards and sites to direct other fans to these photos. And please feel free to download the files to your own personal collection. Me and Bruce ask that they not be offered for resale in any form.
I will be adding a very special welcome video greeting on Bruce's site as soon as I can code it in. He made this special for his fans. Check the site for updates. He will also be sending me his own report and thoughts about the convention as soon as he has some free time to write it. :)
Well, I guess that is it. Thanks to a wonderful convention staff. Even though the schedule changed minute to minute, I think our group got to see everything and the best change was letting Bruce take the main stage for a Question and Answer panel. It was also great meeting Quickbeam of TORN, our MC for the Gathering.
All my best, Janet
Photos by Jmsstyxnyes. Do not use on other web sites or message boards. Use the URL(https://jmsstyxnyes.tripod.com/craig/torontogathering/torontogathering.html) to link here to direct fans to the photos on this site.
NOTE: I have found some of my photos being sold on German Ebay without my permission. Let me just say that what you see here at my site for free is what they are selling. I do not sell any of my photos. Why bid on lifted photos when you can download the same thing here for free?
Press Conference Photos(Sponsors meeting)
Most of the Press Conference Photos can be seen at
Bruce Hopkins Official Site. There are more Craig photos there.
Me and Craig after the Press Conference
Mark Ferguson and Craig Parker shows:
All Photos taken by and property of Jmsstyxnyes.com (Janet)
Show Number 1
Show Number 2
Mark and Craig reading "Riddles in the Dark" from "The Hobbit":
All Photos taken by and property of Jmsstyxnyes.com (Janet)
Autograph sessions:
These are snapped from a TV show they guys did while in Canada, The Michael Curren Live Show. Photos are courtesy of Lori Joyce.
Videos from this event are the property of Bruce-Hopkins.com and Jmsstyxnyes.com and are not offered for resale or trade.
Larger photo for this thumbnail to be uploaded. |
Craig signs trading cards from Shortland Street for the fundraising our group does for TAPAC(The Auckland Performing Arts Center). These will be sold or auctioned at a later date, details coming soon. Photo courtesy of Ann-Marie Kloogh. |
Craig with Ann-Marie. Photo courtesy of Ann-Marie Kloogh. |
Mark Ferguson at the autograph session. Photo courtesy of Rachelle Mitchell. |
Mark Ferguson(Gil-Galad and Witchking in Fellowship of the Ring), Craig, and Bruce Hopkins (Gamling in Two Towers and Return of the King) at the autograph table. Photo courtesy of Rachelle Mitchell. |
Craig with Heather Lynn. Photo courtesy of Heather Lynn. |
Craig and Heather Lynn after she was announced as one of the writting contest winners. As a prize, Craig could only find a glass of water. She did recieve a better prize later. ;) Photo courtesy of Heather Lynn. |
Craig during the autograph session. Photo courtesy of Heather Lynn. |
Craig and Mark get ready to read a chapter from JRR. Tolkien's book, "The Hobbit". Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig at the reading of "The Hobbit". Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig and Mark read the chapter 'Riddles in the Dark' from "The Hobbit". Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Each took turns reading a part. Craig would do Gollum's part and in the voice style of Andy Serkis. If you didn't know better, you'd sware it was Andy reading it, great job Craig :). Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
More reading. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig and Mark work their comedic magic together on stage. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig and Mark read the winners of the fan fiction writting contest. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig tries on a Maple Leafs Hockey team jersey a fan gave him. He complained that at this Pro Literacy Event, 'Leafs' was not spelled properly. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig and Mark wave at a fan. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig and Mark talk before reading the Hobbit. Photo courtesy of Cpquinn. |
Craig signs an auto at the stage. Photo courtesy of Charmed. |
Craig and Mark paint their figures at the Games Workshop Table. Photo courtesy of Charmed. |
Craig with fan Terry Schinaman at the Gathering. Photo courtesy of Kelly Veiders. |
Mark Ferguson during the autograph session. Photo courtesy of Kelly Veiders. |
Mark and Craig prepare to take the stage for their comedy show/panel. Photo courtesy of Kelly Veiders. |
The sites listed below have some wonderful photos of Craig, Mark Ferguson and Bruce Hopkins from this convention.
If you have photos from the con and would like to share them here,You can e-mail me at:jmsstyxnyes@jmsstyxnyes.com and I will provide proper credit and a link back to your site if have one.
The Gathering Actor's sites: