Dragon Con. It was great fun meeting with everyone and taking everyone's photos with Bruce. I spent most of the time behind the table with the guys as I was Bruce's liaison for the convention and also got to chase with them from one hotel to the other with security to get to the panel rooms. Very interesting and I think I lost some weight ;) LOL. We had a ball in our row as our seat partners from Star Wars(Ray Park and Daniel Logan) were friends of the guys and the celeb seated next to Bruce(Scott Schwartz) decided to get in on our fun as well, making our row the party row in my opinion. I'm sure the orginal cast of Lost in Space(seated across from us) were wondering who the heck we were ;). Especially when Craig stood on the table and Bruce yelled out, 'Mr. Parker, please get off the table.' Thoughout the auto sessions, Sala was defacing Craig's photos and Craig would deface Sala's sign. In the end Sala raffled off a couple of those photos at his panel.
In the background on the panels for Craig, there is a sign that reads Peter Davison for 007. This room was orginally the British Track room where Peter Davison (Doctor Who/All Creatures Great and Small) talked. They orginally had Craig in the Tolkien Track room, the Hong Kong room, which was half the size of this room. With fans shut out of Craig's talk, they decided since the Sinapore Room wasn't in use for our hour, to move Craig's panel to that room allowing all the fans that got shut out, in. The next day we had a similar problem, but we were able to secure the Singapore Room once more thanks to the help of one of my friends who has worked the Dragon Con in the past.
Craig mentioned at one panel and it has been a news bite at this site, that Craig is on a list of the Best Mannered Celebs. Here is a copy of that list that appeared in the New Zealand Herald print edition only:

These photos can not be used on other web sites or resold. Please respect our wishes and just link this page with the .html extention. Do not hotlink Please. :) All photos property of Jmsstyxnyes (Janet).
Walk of Fame Room, the autograph room in the Mariott.
(left to right-Sala Baker (Sauron), Craig Parker, Donna (Craig's Liaison), Janet (me the webmaster and liaison to Bruce Hopkins), and Bruce Hopkins (Gamling). |
Bruce visits with Sala and Ray's partner as Craig signs for some fans. |
Donna, liaison and good friend to Criag, poses with Craig, as Dark Helmet (Space Balls) walks by. |
Sala talks to two fans who came by as Elvis Storm Trooper and Capt. Jack Sparrow. Very well done cossies. |
My friend Enid poses with Craig during one of the rare lulls in the Walk of Fame room. |
Me and Bruce Hopkins as we sit at our table right next to Craig and Sala. We really appreciated those water bottles :). Photo courtesy of Miranda. |
Craig poses with Julia in her Haldir elven cossie she made. |
Julia and her partner in cossies made by Julia. Here they are Haldir and Eomer. |
Craig talks with Donna before having his picture taken with a fan. |
More of our row in the Walk of Fame room. |
Me and Bruce on day one at autograph table. Photo courtesy of Sandra Shoemake. |
Craig's first panel. Sept. 5, 2004. Hyatt Singapore Room.
Craig's second panel. Sept. 6, 2004. Hyatt Singapore Room.
Photos from Fans:
Photo property of Deborah Abbot. |
Photo property of Deborah Abbot. |
Photo property of Deborah Abbot. |